How to Care For a Peace Lily

Peace Lily

For the green thumb looking to spruce up their home with a unique touch of greenery, the Peace Lily is an ideal choice. As beautiful as it is hardy, this houseplant provides an easy introduction to a hobby that can be enjoyed for years to come. But before you make the plunge into bringing a Peace Lily into your home, there are several considerations you should take into account.

The first and most important element in deciding whether a Peace Lily is right for you is its light requirements. They thrive in bright indirect sunlight, so if your home’s natural lighting limitations preclude that, then you may want to opt for an alternative houseplant. On the other hand, if your home is well-lit from natural sunlight and you’re able to provide supplemental light from other sources, then the Peace Lily may be perfect for you.

Next, consider its watering requirements. The Peace Lily requires watering every 1–2 weeks, depending on the specific temperature and humidity levels in your home. It’s incredibly tolerant of being slightly over-watered or neglected in this area, but if you’re looking for a houseplant to care for more frequently – particularly one that requires weekly attention – then you may be better off choosing something like a Snake Plant or Zebra Plant.

Once you’ve thought through these elements and decided that the Peace Lily is indeed a good fit for your lifestyle and space, then it’s time to start thinking about how to care for it properly. First things first: make sure you’re using the right potting soil. That means purchasing soil specifically designed for houseplants, preferably one that contains peat moss and sand or perlite for better drainage. Also keep in mind that all-purpose potting soil may contain fertilizers or additives that are harmful to houseplants, so taking the time to find potting soil designed specifically for houseplants is the best way to ensure its health.

In addition to potting soil, another key factor in keep your Peace Lily happy and healthy is good ventilation. Fresh air is essential to keeping your plant healthy, so if at all possible locate it near an open window to provide both natural sunlight and a steady stream of fresh air. This also gives it some much-needed humidity during the particularly dry winter months when heating systems tend to sap the air of all its natural moisture.

Finally – and perhaps most importantly – make sure you’re providing it with plenty of nutrients. Fertilizing your houseplants every month can go a long way towards keeping them vibrant, so don’t forget to add some liquid fertilizer to their watering routine. This will help encourage lush new growth while providing all the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy.

In conclusion, the Peace Lily can be an ideal houseplant choice provided certain criteria are met. If you have adequate lighting conditions and are equipped with the patience and know-how necessary to provide proper care, then this hardy and gorgeous houseplant could be exactly what you need to liven up your living space. Remember: good ventilation, quality potting soil, plenty of water and occasional fertilizing will have you enjoying your new addition for many years to come. For more detailed information about caring for a Peace Lily check out this helpful guide, or if you’re looking for something with different light and water requirements try out a Snake Plant here or a Zebra Plant here. Finally, remember there’s nothing quite like adding some living beauty into your home – just make sure you do it responsibly!