How to Care for a Burro’s Tail

Burro’s Tail

Caring for a Burro’s Tail Houseplant: Tips for Making the Most of This Unique and Eye-Catching Plant

When it comes to houseplants, one of the most distinctive and beautiful is the Burro’s Tail, otherwise known as Sedum Morganianum. With its cascading foliage and wide range of colors, this plant adds a unique flair to any indoor garden. While the Burro’s Tail is generally easy to care for, there are a few considerations you’ll need to keep in mind to ensure your plant thrives for years to come.

Light Requirements

The Burro’s Tail prefers bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight will cause the foliage to yellow and become sunburned while too little light may cause the foliage to become slimy and slimy. The ideal light level is one that provides a few hours of direct sunlight in the morning or late afternoon, with bright but indirect light the rest of the day.

Watering Needs

The Burro’s Tail is a succulent and is thus adapted to living in dry climates. Because of this, the plant should not be watered too frequently or allowed to sit in standing water. To ensure proper watering, test the soil with your finger and only water when the top inch of soil feels dry. It’s best to water directly onto the soil, ensuring that the water does not get onto the stem or leaves of the plant as this may cause rot.

Temperature Considerations

The Burro’s Tail prefers warm temperatures and does not like cold drafts. Aim for temperatures between 60-75°F, ensuring that your plant is not positioned near any air vents, radiators or drafts. If you can, consider investing in an indoor thermometer so you can be sure the temperature in your space stays consistent.

Pruning Needs

In order to keep your plant looking its best, it’s important to give it regular pruning. The Burro’s Tail has a tendency to grow quickly, so it’s best to prune back any sections that become overgrown. If you prune away any yellowed or diseased foliage, this will encourage new growth and help your plant stay healthy and vibrant.

Fertilizing Needs

The Burro’s Tail does not require much fertilizing but if you do fertilize, use a balanced houseplant fertilizer at a quarter strength once every month from mid-spring through mid-summer.

Common Issues

The Burro’s Tail is generally hardy but it is subject to some common issues and diseases. These include fungal diseases such as root and crown rot and leaf spot which can be caused by overwatering or poor drainage. If you believe your plant has been affected by any of these issues, it’s best to seek advice from a plant expert on how to treat them as soon as possible.


Caring for a Burro’s Tail houseplant is simple and straightforward with just a few key points to remember: provide bright, indirect light, water only when the top inch of soil is dry, keep the temperature between 60-75°F and give it regular pruning and fertilizer in the spring and summer months. By understanding the needs of your plant, you can ensure it stays healthy and beautiful for years to come! For more detailed instructions on how to properly care for this unique plant, check out How to Care for a Jade Plant.